PeopleTools Tables - Part 6 - Other PeopleTools important Tables
I have listed the PeopleTools tables in a series of posts earlier and this one is the last in this series.
You can check the previous 5 posts here:
- PeopleTools tables related to PS-Queries
- PeopleSoft Security definition tables
- Definitions created in App designer
- PeopleTools tables related to Application engine
- PeopleTools tables related to the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler
Here are some more PeopleTools tables across various categories.
Peoplesoft Portal Tables
- PSPRSMDEFN - Content References and Folders
- PSPRUHTABPGLT - Portal User HP Tab Pagelet
- PSPRUHDEFN - Homepage definition
- PSPRUHTAB - Homepage Tab
- PSWEBPROFNVP - Web Profile Settings
Peoplesoft Change Control related Tables
- PSCHGCTLHIST - shows history of locked definitions with project name, incident, and description
- PSCHGCTLLOCK - shows definitions that are currently locked
Peoplesoft HTML Definitions
- PSCONTDEFN - shows header record; last update time, etc.
- PSCONTENT - stores the actual text in the HTML definition
Peoplesoft SQL Definitions tables
- PSSQLDEFN - header record; last update time, etc.
- PSSQLTEXTDEFN - stores the actual text in the SQL definition
File Layout Definitions
- PSFLDDEFN - header record; last update time, etc.
- PSFLDSEGDEFN - stores the segments for each layout
- PSFLDFIELDDEFN - stores the fields for each layout
Peoplesoft Workflow related tables
- APPR_RULE_DETL - Approval Rule Definition Details
- APPR_RULE_FIELD - Approval Rule Definition Route Cntl
- APPR_RULE_AMT - Approval Rule Amounts
- RTE_CNTL_LN - Route Control Profile Line
- RTE_CNTL_RUSER - RoleUser Route Control Profiles
- RTE_CNTL_TYPE - Route Control Type
- RTE_CNTL_HDR - Routing Control Type
- PSWORKLIST - list of work items for each user
- PS_WF_INSTSTATUS - description of the status
Peoplesoft Timings related tables
COBOL\SQL Statements
- PS_SQLSTMT_TBL - To know more about this table, check out my earlier post on All about Stored Statements
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