Coverage Formula for PS-Benefits from HCM9.x and insight on how it is created by the data conversion process
After upgrade to PeopleSoft 9.1\9.0 from prior 8.x releases noticed that in PS_BN_FORMULA table the description is also populated with the same value as formula id-BN_FORMULA_ID.
First up, PS8.9 supported coverage calculation based on the Benefit Plan attribute table and Calculation Rules table. Life Add table(LIFE_ADD_TBL) had Factor X Salary, Flat Amount while Disability Plan table( DISBLTY_PLN_TBL) had the Maximum monthly benefit. In addition, calculation rules table had data about Coverage, Premium As-Of data, Benefit Base to use, Rounding rules, Max/Min Coverage and multiple job combination rules.
PS9.x versions have got rid of this dependency from Life Add table and Disability Plan tables along with Calculation Rules. Instead now coverage is loaded by the conversion App Engine processes directly into Benefit Formula table(PS_BN_FORMULA). This table contains the Coverage Formula which is populated by the data conversion AE process. This Coverage Formula is populated with the data contained in Life Add table, Disability Benefit Plans table and Calculation Rules Ids.
The upgrade data conversion process populates both the formula id and description (DESCR field) in PS_BN_FORMULA table with the same value - the formula ID. This seems to be because the DESCR field is required and to write a conversion program that will give a description based on the formula would be quite complex. May be we are talking about AI to do this. Hence Oracle should have kept it simple by populating the DESCR field with the same value as BN_FORMULA_ID.
Well list keep it updates.