What are the object types that should not be selected in the list of objects during application upgrades?
While performing an application upgrade, – “Running the UPGCUST Compare” task is vital to understand the level of customization and performing Keep-Drop analysis. The resulting UPGCUST project will contain the customizations in the current Production(copy) environment. The following objects should not be compared while performing this step.
- Portal Registry User Homepages
- Portal Registry User Favorites
- Java Portlet User Preferences
- Message Catalog Entries
- Messages
- Message Schema
- Services
- Service Operations
- Service Operation Handlers
- Service Operation Versions
- Service Operation Routings
- IB Queues and
All other objects including Portal Registry entries, peoplecode, Application packages, Message peoplecode and App Package peoplecode should be included in Application level compare – “Running the UPGCUST Compare” step. While performing upgrade from 8.9 to 9.1, I noticed that, App Package, Message peoplecode and App Package peoplecode got left out in UPGCUST comparison for reasons unknown to me. Later included these object types and went ahead.
View the step(“Running the UPGCUST Compare”) properties in change assistant and make sure that Application Package, Application Package peoplecode and Message peoplecode are selected in the list of objects to be compared. In case, they are not selected make sure they are selected.
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