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    PeopleTools table where user customizations on a PeopleSoft page are saved

    There are two places where a user could customize a PeopleSoft page.
    1) By clicking the 'Customize Page' link which is at the upper right corner of every page in PIA and
    2) The customizations that can be done through the 'Customize' link on a grid's navigation bar.

    Both these customization types are stored in PSUSEROBJTYPE record. PSUSEROBJTYPE record has a field named - FIELDTYPE which stores the customization type.

    The following observation took me hours to find out, however now it sounds simple.
    • If the FIELDTYPE has a value of -1, then the customization is done from the 'Customize Page' link located at the upper right corner of every page.
    • If the FIELDTYPE has any other numeric value then this customization is done from the 'Customize' link in the grid.
    • The number other than -1 in the FIELDTYPE corresponds to the field number of the grid on that page.
    • The FIELDTYPE value(Except -1) may not be the same as the fieldnum used internally in a grid. Since subpages can also be part of a page, the subpages(subrecords) are expanded, and each of the field in the subpage(subrecord) takes a position in the list of FIELDNUM. For this reason, the FIELDTYPE value and FIELDNUM can be different.


    1. Thanks a lot Shyam. It is definitely a useful peice of information

    2. very very useful

    3. great info! thanks!

    4. Thanks sir! This helped me figure out an issue.


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