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    How to troubleshoot Remote Call COBOL in PeopleSoft application server?

    How to troubleshoot Remote Call with COBOL?
    Programs in PeopleSoft can make a remote call to another COBOL program. The application server handles the remote call made to the COBOL program. It is very common to encounter errors such as 'Could not start child program'.
    Below is the troubleshooting checklist to resolve various remote call errors.

    1. Check if all the COBOL files are compiled on the machine where the app server is running. Also Test the Remote Call feature as specified here.

    2. If the Process Scheduler is running on the same box as the application server, test the COBOL process by running the sample program PTPDBTST in the navigation:
    PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > System Process Requests

    3. To turn on the error logging feature of the remote call in the application server change the Remote Call Child Process Output Redirection. In psappsrv.cfg file set RCCBL Redirect to 1 and restart the application server. This will generate PTPNTEST_username_date.out and PTPNTEST_username_date.err in the /appserv/LOGS directory. Review these files and take appropriate action as required.


    1. I did the step 2 and 3 and both were successful, what can I do next to resolve the 'Could not start child program' issue?


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