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    How to get navigation using process name in PeopleSoft?

    How to find the navigation of a particular process added to PeopleSoft Process Scheduler?

    Sounds simple ins't it. Here is what we do usually.

    1. Got to PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > Processes and search for the Process Type and Process Name
    2. Then switch to the second tab(Process Definition Options) which lists the components from which the process can be invoked
    3. Once the component name(s) are known either find navigation by prior knowledge of the person or by using different set of SQL(Part 1 and Part 2) or by making use of Verity Search or by using Find Object Navigation in Enterprise release 9.1
    How to get rid of the pain of navigating Process Definition page when one has to find out the portal navigation for multiple processes. Or how do we do it through back end using SQLs? What is the PeopleTools meta table having information on the component(s) associated with each process?
    PRCSDEFNPANL record is used to define a panel group that the process can be requested from. This is a child record of PS_PRCSDEFN record which is used for defining processes that can run within the Process Scheduler. Security information like component and process groups are available in the Process Definition Options page.

    The below SQL query gives list of all processes defined in PeopleSoft Process Scheduler with their corresponding component name.

    Once the component name is known then repeat Step 3 mentioned above to find the online navigation. If you are looking for one SQL query which straight away lists the portal navigation for each process defined in the Process Scheduler then here is the query:
         WHERE portal_name = 'EMPLOYEE'
           AND portal_prntobjname = 'PORTAL_ROOT_OBJECT'
    START WITH portal_uri_seg2 IN (
                           SELECT DISTINCT pnlgrpname
                           FROM ps_prcsdefnpnl
                           WHERE prcsname = :1)
    CONNECT BY PRIOR portal_prntobjname = portal_objname;

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