What are all the Various SQCs available ?
What are all the various SQCs available for use? Some of the times I end up writing my own procedures(absolute waste of time) due to lack of knowledge on various SQCs. Here is the list of some of the SQCs available.
- Askftd.sqc - This asks from/thru date for reporting of heading
- Askaod.sqc - Procedure to call is Ask-As-of-Date
- CurDtTim.sqc - Gets the Current Date Time from System
- DateTime.sqc - Convert date from system format calling InitDate-Time procedure to set format.
- DateMath.sqc - Converts Native Date format to YYYY-MM-DD.
- Eoj.sqc - determines End of job for an SQR report.
- FSHdg01.sqc, FSHdg04.sqc - for Standard Headers for PS Financials.
- HRHdg01.sqc, HRHdg04.sqc - for Standard Headers for PS HCM.
- Number.sqc - Provides Number related Functions
- Opsys.sqc - Operating system settings.
- PrcsApi.Sqc - Used in Process Scheduler SQR Programs, to get Run control parameters
- RDBMS.sqc - Database Settings. These files uses #DEFINE command to set the variables.
- ReadXlat.sqc - Read the Translate Table for the desired values (Very Important)
- Reset.sqc - Used for Footing Section that prints ‘End-of-Report’.
- SetEnv.sqc - Sets Environment for Country, Printer-Paper, Language, Date, Platform specific parameters, It also contains Opsys.sqc, RDBMS.sqc
- Setup01.sqc - This is generally called from Begin-Setup section for Portrait Size
- Setup02.sqc - This is generally called from Begin-Setup section for Landscape Size
- STDHDGTR.sqc - Performs Language Conversion
- STDHDG01.sqc - Provides Standard heading for language conversion
- StdApi.sqc - Gets Std API calls
- Trancntrl.sqc - Purpose is to COMMIT, ROLLBACK etc. across DB platforms
- Convertcurrency.sqc - To convert currencies
- AllMaxes.max - It is used for dynamic memory allocations before the execution of SQR.
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