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    TypeError: saveWaitObj is null

    I was meddling with the various options in PeopleSoft WebProfile configuration and at one point lost track of the changes made. After a while, hitting on certain Save button or pushbuttons would cause this error message: 
    TypeError: saveWaitObj is null

    Perplexed with the message, I switched the web profile and did not see that error message again. Switching back to the initial web profile the message reappeared. The reason for the message is that I had unchecked “Enable Processing Message” under PeopleTools > Web Profile > Web Profile Configurations. 

    As per Peoplebooks, this option is checked by default and it enables processing notification while the system processes a request. Selecting this option and bouncing the PIA resolved the issue.

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    1. Can i get any Peoplesoft related Whitepapers and articles?


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