Processes getting Queued - Part 5 - Why processes remain Queued when the server is blank.
Where is the default server specified for processes which are submitted to a process scheduler without defining a server?
Let me put this question in another fashion:
While submitting a process to run through process scheduler and if accidentally or intentionally if the “Server Name” is left blank, then the process remains queued forever. Why so?
The master scheduler will take up the job of assigning processes submitted without a server name to a specified server in the “System Load Balancing Option”.
The processes submitted without a Server Name can get queued indefinitely due to one of the following reasons:
- The master scheduler is not up and running
- If the System Load Balancing Option field is left blank. This field has to be populated when defining a Master Scheduler so that it can route processes. Absence of this value can cause this issue.
What is a Master Scheduler?
A Master Scheduler is nothing but a Process Scheduler in which one scheduler is defined as the Master.
To resolve this issue, ensure there is an active Master Scheduler and populate the "System Load Balancing Option".
- Verifying that PeopleSoft Process Scheduler has an Active Master Scheduler:
1) Navigate to PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > Process Monitor > Server
2) If any Scheduler is defined as the Master, there will be a value as 'Y' in the Master column.
3) If there is no Master Scheduler defined, one should be started as specified in Section B else proceed to Section C.
- Defining a Process Scheduler as a Master Scheduler
Follow the below specified steps:
1) Launch PSADMIN
2) Select option ‘2’ for the Process Scheduler.
3) Choose option ‘3’ to Configure the Process Scheduler.
4) Many questions could be prompted and 'Enter' all the way through without changing any value, anywhere.
5) At the end, when prompted, “Do you want the Master Scheduler configured?”, enter ‘Y’
6) Then, launch the Process Scheduler which will automatically start the Master Scheduler along with it.
- Populating the System Load Balancing Option:
1) Navigate to PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > System Settings > General
2) If this value is blank, set it to one of the below:
· Assign to Primary OS Only – to route the processes specified as the Primary OS field on the same page.
· Assign to Server in Any OS – to route the processes to any available scheduler regardless of the OS. This is the recommended one too.
3) Save the settings and exit
4) Bounce ALL the Process Schedulers in the environment which is essential to make the system recognize this change and to pick up the new value defined in “System Load Balancing Option”.
For all processes submitted without a server name in future should run without any issues picking up the server defined in the “System Load Balancing Option” of the active Master Scheduler. In case of processes submitted earlier, before making the changes and if they do not get started and process further, reschedule the processes.
While doing any changes to the process scheduler including reconfiguration or when deleting orphan rows from the back-end in any Process Scheduler tables, it is necessary to force the Master Scheduler to pull the updated list from the database. Hence all the schedulers must be bounced in such cases.
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