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    Finding the bad SQL in peoplecode whenever an error occurs

    In case SQL Errors occur within peoplecode, a bad SQL error message is issued. However, the error message does not reveal which SQL statement in the peoplecode is bad, though we could track it with the statement number. I remember in older versions of PeopleTools, whenever a SQL error occurs in peoplecode, through the PIA, the error message displayed along with the Bad SQL statement. Investigating on this, could find that PeopleSoft has disabled the BAD SQL Statement from displaying in error messages for security reasons.

    However, for debugging purpose in non-Production environments, we can enable a property in PSAPPSRV.CFG file, which will allow the Bad SQL statements in peoplecode to be displayed whenever an error message occurs.

    In PSAPPSRV.CFG file, set the value as zero for the property ‘Suppress SQL Error’. The default value for this in PT8.48 and above is 1, which prevents SQL statements from displaying to the user and writing only to log. This change should display the  bad SQL statements whenever an error occurs due to SQL in peoplecode.

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