PSPROJECTITEM Explained - Part 2
In this post, I am extending my earlier post on PSPROJECTITEM Explained - Part 1. During analysis, I have sometimes felt that just mere knowing the Description for OBJECTTYPE value is insufficient and would often require the corresponding definition table.
Here is the complete list of OBJECTTYPE values in PSPROJECTITEM record along with their respective description and corresponding PeopleTools Definition records. For few values, I could not find the corresponding definition table and would welcome anyone who could help me find these.
In one of my recent posts, I have shared information on how and where I got the description for OBJECTTYPE values. Here is the complete list of values and Description from PS_WHEREUSEDOBJTBL table:
Here is the complete list of OBJECTTYPE values in PSPROJECTITEM record along with their respective description and corresponding PeopleTools Definition records. For few values, I could not find the corresponding definition table and would welcome anyone who could help me find these.
ObjectType value | Description | Corresponding PeopleTools Table |
0 | Record | PSRECDEFN |
1 | Indexes | PSKEYDEFN |
2 | Fields | PSDBFIELD |
3 | Field Formats | PSFMTDEFN |
4 | Translates | PSXLATITEM |
5 | Pages | PSPNLDEFN |
6 | Menus | PSMENUDEFN |
7 | Components | PSPNLGRPDEFN |
8 | Record PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
9 | Menu PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
10 | Queries | PSQRYDEFN |
11 | Tree Structures | PSTREESTRCT |
12 | Trees | PSTREEDEFN |
13 | Access Groups | PS_ACCESS_GRP_TBL |
14 | Colors | PSCOLORDEFN |
15 | Styles | PSSTYLEDEFN |
16 | Business Process Map | |
17 | Business Processes | PSBUSPROCDEFN |
18 | Activities | PSACTIVITYDEFN |
19 | Roles | PSROLEDEFN |
20 | Process Definitions | PRCSDEFN |
21 | Server Definitions | PS_SERVERDEFN |
22 | Process Type Definitions | PS_PRCSTYPEDEFN |
23 | Job Definitions | PS_PRCSJOBDEFN |
24 | Recurrence Definitions | PS_PRCSRECUR |
25 | Message Catalog Entries | PSMSGCATDEFN |
26 | Dimension Definition | PS_DIMENSION |
27 | Cube Definition | |
28 | Cube Instance Definition | |
29 | Business Interlink | PSIODEFN |
31 | File Layout Definitions | PSFLDDEFN |
32 | Component Interfaces | PSBCDEFN |
33 | Application Engine Programs | PSAEAPPLDEFN |
34 | Application Engine Sections | PSAESECTDEFN |
35 | Message Nodes | PSMSGNODEDEFN |
36 | Message Channels | PSMSGCATDEFN |
37 | Message Definitions | PSMSGDEFN |
38 | Approval Rule Set | APPR_RULE_HDR |
39 | Message PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
40 | Subscription PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
41 | Channel PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
42 | Comp. Interface PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
43 | Application Engine PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
44 | Page PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
45 | Page Field Peoplecode | PSPCMPROG |
46 | Component PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
47 | Component Record PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
48 | Component Rec Fld PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
49 | Images | PSCONTDEFN |
50 | StyleSheet | |
51 | HTML | |
52 | File References | PSFILEREDEFN |
53 | Permission Lists | PSCLASSDEFN |
54 | Portal Registry Definitions | |
55 | Portal Registry Structures | PSPRSMDEFN |
56 | URL Definitions | PSURLDEFN |
57 | Application Packages | PSPACKAGEDEFN |
58 | Application Package PeopleCode | PSPCMPROG |
59 | Portal Registry User Homepage | |
60 | Analytic Types | |
61 | Archive Templates | |
62 | XSLT | |
63 | Portal Registry User Favorites | |
64 | Mobile Pages | PSMPDEFN |
65 | Relationships | |
66 | Component Interface Property Peoplecode | |
67 | Optimization Models | |
68 | File References | PSFILEREDEFN |
69 | File Type Codes | PSTYPECODEDEFN |
70 | Archive Object Definitions | |
71 | Archive Templates (Type 2) | |
72 | Dignostic Plug Ins | |
73 | Analytic Models | |
74 | Not Used | |
75 | Java Portlet User Preferences | |
76 | WSRP Remote Producer | |
77 | WSRP Remote Portlet | |
78 | WSRP Cloned Portlet Handle | |
79 | Service | PSSERVICE |
80 | Service Operation | PSOPERATION |
81 | Service Operation Handler | PSOPRHDLR |
82 | Service Operation Version | PSOPRVERDFN |
83 | Service Operation Routing | SIBRTNGDEFN |
84 | IB Queues | SIBQUEUEINST |
85 | XLMP Template Definition | |
86 | XLMP Report Definition | |
87 | XMLP File Definition | |
88 | XMPL Data Source Definition |
-23 | Mass Change Archive |
-22 | Mass Change Prompt |
-21 | MC_GROUP_ID |
-16 | EC_INT_TP_ID |
-15 | EC_EXT_TP_ID |
-9 | Equation |
-8 | ECMAPID |
-7 | Mass Change Template |
-6 | Mass Change Type |
-5 | Mass Change Definition |
-4 | CRW |
-3 | SQR |
-2 | COBOL |
-1 | Menu Group |
0 | Record |
1 | Index |
2 | Field |
3 | Field Format |
4 | Translate |
5 | Page |
6 | Menu |
7 | Component |
8 | Record Peoplecode |
9 | Menu Peoplecode |
10 | Query |
11 | Tree Structure |
12 | Tree |
13 | Access Group |
14 | Color |
15 | Style |
16 | Business Process Map |
17 | Business Process |
18 | Activity |
19 | Role |
20 | Process Definition |
21 | Process Server |
22 | Process Type |
23 | Process Job |
24 | Process Recurrence |
25 | Message Catalog Entry |
26 | Dimension |
27 | Cube Definition |
28 | Cube Instance Definition |
29 | Business Interlink |
30 | SQL |
31 | File Layout Definition |
32 | Component Interface |
33 | App Engine Program |
34 | App Engine Section |
35 | Message Node |
36 | Message Channel |
37 | Message |
38 | Approval Ruleset |
39 | Message Peoplecode |
40 | Subscription Peoplecode |
41 | Message Channel Peoplecode |
42 | CI Peoplecode |
43 | App Engine Peoplecode |
44 | Page Peoplecode |
45 | Page Field Peoplecode |
46 | Component Peoplecode |
47 | Component Record Peoplecode |
48 | Component Recfield Peoplecode |
49 | Image |
50 | Style Sheet |
51 | Html |
52 | File Reference |
53 | Permission List |
54 | Portal Registry Definition |
55 | Portal Registry Structure |
56 | URL Definition |
57 | Application Package |
58 | Application Package Peoplecode |
62 | XSLT |
64 | Mobile Page |
65 | Relationship |
It should be fairly easy to find the tables involved for any Objectype. Just turn on SQL trace and attempt to insert the object type into as project. When the Insert button is clicked it should attempt to fetch Objects of the particular type therefore revealing where/how they are stored.