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    How to run XML Publisher(XMLP) processes to generate PDF paychecks in PeopleSoft HCM 9.0 and above

    Below are the steps briefing on how to run the PeopleSoft delivered XMLP processes for NA Payroll to generate *.PDF paychecks.

    Payroll for North America provides user to select from two methods of printing checks and advices:
    • Printing by SQR Reports (PAY003, PAY003CN, DDP003, and DDP003CN). The Check Print and Cheque Print SQR reports (PAY003 and PAY003CN) and the Direct Deposit Advice Print SQR reports (DDP003 and DDP003CN) extract the payroll data for check and advice printing and format it for printing checks and advices.
    • Printing in PDF by RTF Templates using XML Publisher (PYCHKUSA, PYCHQCAN, PYDDAUSA, and PYDDACAN). These PSJob processes prepare the check and advice report files:
        • Print US Checks PSJob process (PYCHKUSA).
        • Print Canadian Cheques PSJob process (PYCHQCAN).
        • Print US Direct Deposit Advice PSJob process (PYDDAUSA).
        • Print Canadian Direct Deposit Advice PSJob process (PYDDACAN).
    This post deals about the second method of generating PDF paychecks using XML Publisher. Click here to find out the initial setup required and how to configure XMLP processes for NA Payroll.

    How to run XMLP Process to generate PDF Paychecks and Direct Deposit Advice?
    1. Instead of the usual ‘Print Paycheck’, run Create PDF Paychecks from the navigation: Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing USA Produce Checks > Create PDF Paychecks > Create PDF Paychecks; or Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing CAN > Produce Cheques > Create PDF Paycheques > Create PDF Paycheques. For Direct Depost Advice the navigation and the process names would change.
    2. Enter the pay run id and the other required values
    3. Days From Check Date: Leave this field blank to retain the default value entered on the Paycheck Options Table page. To override the value on the Paycheck Options Table for this check or advice print run, enter a different number of days from check date. The system issues a confirmation message if you enter an override. If you do not confirm the override, the system does not save the value you entered and the field remains blank.
    4. Click 'Run'
    5. On the Process Request page, select the type Web and the format PDF.

    Paychecks can be viewed by employees under self service. For administrator to view all the PDF checks or advice forms run through XMLP, must use the Report Manager to view the PDF print files.

    How/Where to view the Paychecks created by XMLP process?
    1. Access the Report Manager.
    2. To locate and open the PDF file use one of these methods(whichever is available):
      • From the Report Manager - List page.
        • Click the XMLP link in the Report column for the selected batch file.
      • From the Report Manager - Administration page.
        • Click the Details link for the selected batch file.
    3. The system displays another page, where you click the *.pdf file link to access the PDF report in Adobe Acrobat. Depending upon the bursting option chosen, paycheck files would be bursted accordingly. Bursting options can be set under the navigation:

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